About the project


Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Krapina


Zagorje Development Agency, Krapina Zagorje County


Croatian Chamber of Economy, County Chamber Krapina
Krapina Zagorje Counyt Chamber of Trades and Crafts


To reduce unemployment and threat of new unemployment by increasing employment opportunities and employability of the long term unemployed and inactive people in Krapina Zagorje County.

Target group:

Unemployed persons with focus on long-term unemployed, those at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion, inactive persons, employed workers in need or willing to upgrade skills.

Total cost of

the action (A)


Amount requested from the

Contracting Authority (B)


% of total eligible

cost of action (B/Ax100)


99.370,67 EUR

84.465,07 EUR

85 %


This project is funded by the European Union, from grant program „Local Partnerships for Employment – Phase 3“,  within IPA Component IV. - Human Resources Development.

Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje Zagorska razvojna agencija Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje, Područni ured Krapina

Krapinsko-zagorska županija Hrvatska gospodarska komora Županijska komora Krapina Obrtnička komora
Krapinsko-zagorske županije
Sadržaj ove publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Zagorske razvojne agencije za promicanje regionalnog razvoja.
Za više informacija o EU fondovima posjetite www.strukturnifondovi.hr