
1. Regional partnership development

Regional partnership will implement following activities during the project, but also after the project is finished:

  • Creating the base for development of regional emloyment policies in Krapina Zagorje County
  • Cooperation with experts for development of web portal for partners and users in Krapina Zagorje County
  • Development of the module for estimation and tracking of deficitary occupations on the labour market in Krapina Zagorje County

2. Web portal development

WEB portal will be developed with the aim of providing all relevant information related to Krapina Zagorje County labour market which is relevant to: employers, employees, unemployed and inactive people, pupils and students. Employers as partners will be able to register on the web site and upload their information (business related information, plans, visions, suggestions, available work places, etc.) and make them available for the final beneficiaries.
This activity is one of the key project activities and it includes different promotional activities: round table, individual interviews and consultations with employers, penguin display systems, flyers with instructions how to use the web portal. The aim of these promotional activities is to strengthen employers and educational institutions awareness on importance of cooperation and partnership relationships and to promote the web portal and its advantages and possibilities.

3. Education of partner and employees of associate institutions

Educational activities among project partners and associates’ employees will contribute to development and strengthening of partnership.
The aim of this activity is to improve local stakeholders’ capacities for solving problems on the labour market. Within this project activity, following actions will be implemented:

  • Criteria definition for training participation
  • Identification of participants(15-20 for each training module) for above mentiond trainings based on the defined criteria (each institution identifies their employees/participants)
  • Trainers selection
  • Education implementation
  • Training evaluation

4. Organization of partnership model for estimation and tracking of deficitary occupation needs on the labour market in Krapina Zagorje County

The aim of this activity is to create partnership model of key actors on the labour market for estimation and tracking of deficitary occupation needs on the labour market in Krapina Zagorje County in order to direct the unemployed people to occupational retraining in defined deficitary occupations. This way their employability would increase.

5. Education for inactive and long-term unemployed people based on the model results for deficitary occupations

Within this activity, following actions will be performed:

  • Top three deficitary occupations will be selected for organization of education
  • Identification of people from the taget group interested in education (public announcement, interviews)
  • Candidate selection
  • Training implementation for selected 20 people
  • Connection to the employers for implementation of practical education
  • Implementation of practical education for 20 people after finished theoretical education

6. Project promotion

During the project implementation following promotional activities will be implemented:

  • Preparation, design and distribution of promotional flyers – information of project, Web portal
  • Two press conferences will be held, one at the beginning of the project and one at the end.
  • Project promotion also includes media announcements.
  • Project activities will also be promoted on the web pages of project partners and associates and through regular Employment Service Activities.
  • Within the activity for developing the model for tracking and detection of deficitary occupations one round table will be organized for 50 people. The aim is to inform the key stakeholders on the importance of the partnership and exchange of the information.
Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje Zagorska razvojna agencija Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje, Područni ured Krapina

Krapinsko-zagorska županija Hrvatska gospodarska komora Županijska komora Krapina Obrtnička komora
Krapinsko-zagorske županije
Sadržaj ove publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Zagorske razvojne agencije za promicanje regionalnog razvoja.
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